Gentle Art Therapy
Marilyn Rabinowitz
Expressive Arts Therapist
What is Expressive Arts Therapy all about?
This gentle, client-centred therapy allows people to express themselves (their situations, feelings and emotions) using a variety of art materials (such as paint, crayons, clay, paper and glue) instead of only words.
Many people find it difficult or even impossible to talk about their problems or express their emotions. This is where Expressive Arts Therapy is helpful.
What kind of concerns do you deal with?
Life transitions, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, family situations, relationships ie anything that is causing you discomfort or distress – everyone from late teens to eldership who has an issue that is of some concern to them, however seemingly big or small.
Do I need to be artistic?
You do not need to be artistic in any way. If you can draw a line, dot, scribble or tear up paper and glue it onto a page then you can do art therapy. Your works are not for show, they are for therapy and only you and I will see them.
Will you analyze or judge my artwork?
Your artwork will never be analyzed or judged by me. Only YOU know what you are feeling inside.
How can art therapy help me?
I will go on a journey of discovery with you, supporting you and offering you tools to find your own solutions. You have everything inside of you that can help you to heal. I will offer you ways to help you access your strengths.
How many sessions would typically be required for art therapy?
Each person is different. This is a gentle process and we will go at your pace. Therapy is individually tailored to suit your needs.
If you think this gentle, healing type of therapy might suit you, please contact me by clicking here.